Hi readers... wat's up? :) Well, I think its about time to be more driven in posting new entries... Last month for August was pathetic!! huhu.. due to time constraint and facebook.. my gear for posting new entry become less and less.. huhuhu...
Well, by the way.. do u remember about this
entry? I think its only fair to update and show u gals the finish product... :)
Taraaaa!!! My wall of love includes some pics of my childhood (got to get some from hubby)... and our little family~~~ like it?? It makes me al goooeeeyyy inside.. *winks*
Can you believe that this is the only pic of our wedding in the house?? Needs more rite?? Betul tak? Nanti kite tambah2 ye..
note: Btw, the pic of Farissa above is when she is only 8 months *sigh*.. mama just love ya!!