(b) Seperate items in transparent / paper boxes - ensure that is tag with a name outside it for easier searching.
(c) Boxes are great for moving and keeping things but too many of it makes you a HORDER!! Do not let your horder self gets thebetter of you.
(d) Keep all of ur warranty and resits in a file for easier tracking. (Not inside a cluttered drawers.. which drawer.. hmmm can't remember..)
(e) Give away UNUSED items. To do this:
- Take out all of your stuffs in a big area
- Look at an item for 3 seconds each before deciding to throw it out or keep it. (More than 3 secs. THROW OUT!)
- Rearrange it the logical way possible. The items that you most frequently should be at the top or the outest placing.
This picture below is an image of my small storage area.. take a peak!!
wah wah wah! good start for 2009. Btw pelampung tu tale buang ke angin nyer? Hahahha! Come i do it for u. Hihih!
ok tolong kemas rumah i pulak. mekasehhh hahahaha
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